
An image of the front of Lothlorien and its tire swing.

14 Singles - 15 Doubles - 2 Triples - 2 Quads
58 Residents
2415 Prospect Street
Berkeley, CA 94704

All meals are vegetarian. Meat cannot be purchased with house funds and personal meat must be prepared on seperate equipment.

Founded in the 1970s, Lothlorien has long-standing traditions of activism and art. It's a house where one can make signs for a protest, learn to cook, find peer support, paint a mural, watch the sunset over the Bay, and build friendships - all in the same day! Our meat-free kitchen is a great place to make breakfast with a friend or play your favorite music while washing pots.

Our splendid living room hosts house events and weekly meetings. It's also totally okay if you're just here for food and a bed. We respect everyone’s level of engagement in the community.

That said, we do try to create the society we want to see in our daily lives, and practice participatory democracy, consent, and anti-oppression. Knowing that we're 58 people from all different backgrounds, we hold workshops and guide one another towards creating a safe and inclusive space where we can all feel at home.

We boast the largest library and smallest per capita utility bills in the BSC. We also have a roaring fireplace, a sundeck, a sauna, and a treehouse.

We work to create a safer space by:

  • Making decisions by consensus as opposed to majority-rule.
  • Not tolerating racism, sexism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia, etc, and ask that those with wealth or class privilege to be cognizant of it.
  • Upholding consent as mandatory and taking sexual assault seriously. Consent workshops are required for our members and are held before every party. Our parties are currently in-house or invite only.

We aim to provide equal access to nutritious food by:

  • Making and providing healthy, ready-to-eat food every day.
  • Accommodating food allergies with equivalent alternatives at meals, such as gluten free pizza.

We fight for a more environmentally and socially just food system by:

  • Hosting events and discussions on the global food system.
  • Minimizing purchases that exploit people or animals, while recognizing that consumer choices alone will not solve structural problems in the capitalist food system.