We are deeply grateful to generations of alumni who made the BSC into what it is today and continue to contribute to our mission: helping students afford a college education and have the most meaningful experience possible in student-run cooperative housing.
We love hearing from alumni! Contact the Development Director at (510) 848-1936 or dd@bsc.coop.
Are you an alumnus? Update your contact information so we can send you newsletters and information.
Visit your old home in the BSC! Our students welcome you back. Stop by the Central Office (2424 Ridge Road) first to ensure we have students to show you around, or contact the House President in advance:
Afro: athhp@bsc.coop
Castro (Person of Color Theme House): pochp@bsc.coop
Casa Zimbabwe: cazhp@bsc.coop
Cloyne Court: clohp@bsc.coop
Convent: conhp@bsc.coop
Davis House: davhp@bsc.coop
Euclid Hall: euchp@bsc.coop
Fenwick Weavers Village: fenhp@bsc.coop
Hillegass Parker: hiphp@bsc.coop
Hoyt Hall: hoyhp@bsc.coop
Kidd Hall: kidhp@bsc.coop
Kingman Hall: knghp@bsc.coop
Lothlorien: lothp@bsc.coop
Northside Apartments: nschp@bsc.coop
Ridge House: ridhp@bsc.coop
Rochdale Village: rochp@bsc.coop
Sherman Hall: shehp@bsc.coop
Stebbins Hall: stbhp@bsc.coop
Oscar Wilde: wilhp@bsc.coop
Wolf House: wolhp@bsc.coop