If you know in advance that you are unable to make your rent payment on time, you must have a valid Payment Arrangement on file to avoid late fees. Members are required to complete a Payment Arrangement Request through the BSC member portal before the payment due date. Bookkeeping will review your request and email you if the request is approved or denied. Do not assume that late fees will be waived if you submit a Payment Arrangement Request. It is your responsibility to follow up with Bookkeeping to ensure your request was approved.
Make a payment arrangement request on the BSC Member Portal.
AdCom Payment Plan Request Form
If you have questions regarding your account, please email accounts@bsc.coop for assistance.
If you are receiving Financial Aid, you can defer your first payment by completing the Payment Arrangement Request through the member portal. If your Financial Aid is delayed after the semester begins, you will be required to obtain written verification from the Financial Aid Office (University Housing Deferment-Financial Aid Verification) on or before any given payment due date. Late fees will not be assessed if verification from the Financial Aid Office is submitted to Central Office on or before the given payment due date. Your payment will be deferred until the date specified on the verification. However, if you fall more than one full payment behind in rent, you will be required to make a special request to the Administrative Committee (AdCom) for an additional extension.