On October 21, the BSC and the BSC Alumni Association commemorated nearly a century of the co-op with an unforgettable 90th Anniversary Gala. Held at International House on the UC Berkeley campus, the theme was BSC Food Through the Decades. This enchanting evening celebrated our alumni and our rich collective history of eating and living together in our beloved houses.
More than two hundred alumni, staff, and current members enjoyed the opportunity to come together and connect with old friends and meet new ones. Over a fantastic buffet dinner, and delicious wines and beer donated by Narsai David and Lagunitas respectively, alumni traded stories of their cooperative experiences. The BSC’s unparalleled ability to create lasting bonds was readily apparent in the laughter and reverence throughout the great hall that evening.
A guest panel of alumni staff — George Proper, Margie Guillory, Joe Marsh, and Miguel Duarte — took us through the evolution of food and its role in the co-op over the past nine decades. While we missed Danvy Vu, her remarks were read by Gala Co-Chair Nancy Blattel. The panelists shared the trials and tribulations of transitioning from centrally prepared meals to house-made dinners, the development of increasingly effective ordering systems, and the occasional horror story of an infamous dish endured by many (hint: “green” may be in the name).
Nancy Skinner, California State Senator and Barrington alumna, could not attend but a member of her staff who is also a BSC alum joined us to congratulate the BSC on its long history of providing affordable housing to students with a certificate of recognition from the state.
Other gala highlights included a photo booth where guests could ham it up with props or elect for a more demure black and white shot, a striking live electric violin performance by current Convent resident Rafi Grossman-Naples, lovely take-home table gifts including sustainable live herb centerpieces, the opportunity to purchase limited-edition co-op merchandise, and heartfelt closing notes from BSC President Liza Mamedov, BSC Executive Director Steven Olesen, and BSCAA President Portia Lewis.
The 90th Anniversary Gala was a beautiful tribute to this organization that we love, and which has made such an indelible mark on our lives. In a world that too often sees people struggle to connect, the BSC remains a stronghold of powerful collectivity with each generation building on the radical work of diverse inclusivity and thoughtful engagement insisted upon by the one before. I imagine I can speak for all of us when I say there’s nothing more we could want than another 90 years of cooperative living (and eating!) with the BSC (Read the full article in the BSC's Fall 2023 'Cooperatively Yours' Newsletter!).
Thank you for attending the 90th anniversary celebration at International House on October 21st; we hope you had a wonderful time celebrating the Berkeley Students' Co-op.
& numerous incredible Alumni donors!
We hope you were engaged by our program and speeches, and that you enjoyed yourself! We also hope you were inspired to continue to support this wonderful organization that has done such meaningful work for the last 90 years. You can support the BSC either online at Donate | Berkeley Student Cooperative or by mailing a check to BSC, 2424 Ridge Rd, Berkeley, CA 94709.
Not a BSCAA member? Join the BSC Alumni Association today!
Access members-only benefits, build community, and meet alumni where you live!
Register today at www.bscaa.coop!
Thank you again for coming to celebrate the inspiring 90-year legacy of the BSC and for your unwavering commitment and support for this cooperative organization! We hope to catch you at one of our next BSC or Alumni Association events, and if you’d like to get more involved or host your own alumni get-together, please don’t hesitate to reach out! We’re always happy to connect at bscaa1996@gmail.com.
Cooperatively Yours,
Nancy Brigham Blattel, Event Co-Chair
Barrington, Rochdale and Northside (1973 - 1980)
Margie Miller Greene Guillory, Event Co-Chair
Hoyt and Northside (1970 - 1975)
Analise Smith-Hinkley, BSCAA Marketing Communications Chair
Cloyne Court and Oscar Wilde (2008-2010)
Want to learn more about the BSC Alumni Association or have questions for the BSC’s Development Department? Email Portia Lewis, BSC’s Events and Alumni Relations Consultant events@bsc.coop And Elissa Roy, BSC’s Interim Development Consultant development@bsc.coop