New Central-level Workshift Opportunity!
WRITTEN BY LILY HEMMINGER (Recruitment Coordinator)
Hello Co-opers,
We have a new central-level workshift opportunity!
At 3 workshift hours a week, join the Recruitment team as a ~ Recruitment Workshifter ~
The job entails:
- Tabling, Flyering, and increasing the BSC's on campus presence
- Working with the Housing Supervisor, the Recruitment Coordinator, and Recruitment Associates on outreach initiatives
- Opportunities to collaborate with other students and share your ideas on how to improve Recruitment in the BSC.....and much more!
Get your workshift done, contribute to your house's Central Level Workshift hours, and help promote the BSC all in one go!
---------> APPLY to be the Recruitment Workshifter HERE [google form] <-----------
Recruitment Coordinator Lily
BSC Garden Revitalization Update
"The BSC Garden Revitalization is in full swing, uniting garden managers across the coops to improve the BSC's land stewardship program. Last semester we went on several educational field trips to local nurseries in the East Bay to learn what it takes to grow our own plant supply. From the beginning of our organizing, we've wondered why each unit spends its small garden budget on a few plants when we can grow them collectively!?
So our goal this Spring is to design and build our very own Garden Manager Hub. Equipped with a greenhouse, outdoor plant propagation station and seed library, the hub will enable us to determine the quantity and variety of our plant stock, thereby removing the largest barrier we face in achieving our native biodiversity and food sovereignty goals. We look forward to collaborating with residents at Rochdale to host our proposed hub in their beautiful yard.
We've also launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for our greenhouse, please share with your family and friends! In the meantime, we have some herbs and vegetable starts in the Oxford Tract greenhouse to supply gardens that need plants this Winter/Spring. Ask your garden manager to learn more or reach out to ."
Hi Co-opers!
We have jobs for every personality right now! (all jobs pay workshift and $22 an hour.)
Apply for up to 5 positions! You must be a current member to apply for a BSC member job.
Want to help out at the CFS? Are you good at supervising? Can you drive a truck?
Non-Perishables Coordinator (9 hrs./wk.)
Love being the peacemaker?
Conduct Committee Members (2 hrs./wk.)
Want to help both the co-op and fellow co-opers by making payment arrangements?
Administrative Committee Assistant (12 hrs./wk)
This is a new listing and only has one applicant right now.
Like working with your hands?
Join Ops Crew (10 hrs. wk.)
Jobs are hired first come first serve, so please apply now!
For an updated list of all available jobs, go to
Click here to apply for BSC Member Jobs with the new, shorter application!
Did you know?
Want to get Board, Cabinet and Committee Updates, Meeting Agendas, and Announcements?
Come join the Members At Large listserv if you are interested in learning about the discussions that take place at Board, Cabinet and Committee spaces and receive Board updates, agendas and announcements. Please click the following link to join or rejoin as the listserv was recently reset:
Housing Department
Giovanni Smith, Housing Supervisor will be holding regular Advising/Office Hours on Wednesdays from 2:00pm-5:00pm.
Schedule an office visit with Giovanni Smith, Housing Supervisor.
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Useful information with FAQs about who to contact at the Central Office.
2424 Ridge Road, Berkeley, CA 94709
(In front of Casa Zimbabwe)
Central Office: (510) 848-1936
Central Food & Supplies: (510) 549-5969
Central Maintenance: (510) 549-5965
Business Hours: Monday-Friday 10AM-5PM