Hello fellow creek restorer,
You are invited to the second major workday of the Kingman Hall Creek Restoration!
- WHEN: Saturday, October 28th from 9AM - 1PM
- WHERE: Kingman Hall 1730 La Loma Ave. Berkeley, CA
- WHAT: Project updates, erosion control, trail construction, soil building, pruning/weeding.
- WHY: To expand ethics of care and collective management beyond the walls of our coop.
- WHO: Kingman Hall residents, BSC coopers, members of Berkeley environmental orgs, neighbors and more.
- Please RSVP by writing an email with subject line "RSVP" to Eytan the current Kingman Garden Manager at knggm@bsc.coop
- NOTE: Dress for physical activity and dirt. Bagels and light snacks will be provided.
We are grateful for funding from The Green Initiative Fund, support from the Berkeley Student Cooperatives, consultation from Blake Garden, and volunteer support from Epsilon Eta.
We hope to see you there!
Eytan Stanton (he/him)
KHCR Project Lead
Kingman Hall Garden Manager