This message is to express heartfelt thanks to generous donors from among our capable and dedicated BSC alumni who produced a challenge match of $150,000 to be raised during Special Give 2022, which ran from April 25 through May 6 this year.
This challenge was met by an equally loyal and responsive cohort of BSC alumni to bring home the match, leaving the BSC $300,000 stronger!!
These funds will contribute to scholarships, cost improvements including Rochdale, and where the funds are needed most. The BSC was also helped by a strong cadre of BSC alumni volunteers who diligently sent out important emails telling stories old and new and reinforcing the needs of students today. We are a very grateful and honored nonprofit for sure to have such amazing alumni!
Brenda Cook, MS, CFRE
Development Director
With Special Thanks to DARCom Development Associate, Kyle Diarmit, and DARCom Publications Coordinator, Emma Taila!